Week #91 The true test of Greatness

Wow General Conference was a really good addition to the week. It is nice to hear a lot of good talks about repentance, decisions, and covenants. President Nelson was very good as usual. His talks are always inspiring and straightforward.  I am so excited for them to release the talks. And the music was also great. General Conference is one of my favorite parts about being in this church. 

We also had interviews with President Brown yesterday and it was the best. I have learned a lot from him and his wife. They have been  wonderful teachers to me. President gave some good tips and he is making some good changes to our mission. 

We met Ronnie again this week and he is moving forward. We had to move his date so he has more time to prepare but he accepted all of the commandments in the last lesson. He is very sincere and asks great questions. 

We met a guy on the street who was not interested but he asked us how the work was going. People had been a bit mean that day so we told him it had not been easy so he gave us both hugs. He did not say much but he hugged us and then moved on. People do not realize it but they can make such a difference in their small actions. Something I still need to learn as well. 

Sometimes I question how much of the negative I should share but here is one I thought would be helpful. We can always learn from the hard. One guy we met with told us that he does not get how we can believe in Joseph Smith and living prophets. He really did not like the promise from Moroni either. He thinks we are very brainwashed sadly. He goes off on a rant so Elder Howell and I sat there in silence, just looking at him. He suddenly stopped, looked at us both, and exclaimed, "How can you be so sure?!". The feeling came to not reply so we sat there and he just stopped. Contention is not worth it but making peace is. 

I found a cool quote from President Benson this week. It has to do with subject line. He simply said, "The only true test of greatness, blessedness, joyfulness is how close a life can come to being like the Master, Jesus Christ. He is the right way, the full truth, and the abundant life." President Nelson made a big point on repentance and it made me realize that we have no idea how to repent unless we know how we need to change. That is one reason why we have our Saviour Jesus Christ. He lived the perfect life and as His disciples, we try to follow Him. Despite our imperfections, we become greater as we become more like Christ. 

Enjoy your week. Until next time! 

Elder Evans 

Elder Mason Evans

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